

一号》背景的官方小说《催化剂:侠盗一号小说》(James Luceno著)对其身世做了解答,剧透渗入。


Jyn Erso并不是普通的孤儿,也不是她随随便便就加入了义军。星战的一贯传统就是血脉与家庭关系,其实Jyn Erso的父亲天才科学家Galen Erso亲自建造了死星,当然Galen Erso并非天生邪恶,作为极具天份的能源科学家,他一直被蒙在鼓里以为正为帝国研制新型能源设施,但当他得知其正研究的死星其实是作为毁灭性武器目的后,他就想方设法提早通知了共和国。


War is tearing the galaxy apart. For years the Republic and the
Separatists have battled across the stars, each building more and more
deadly technology in an attempt to win the war. As a member of
Chancellor Palpatine’s top secret Death Star project, Orson Krennic is
determined to develop a superweapon before their enemies can. And an old
friend of Krennic’s, the brilliant scientist Galen Erso, could be the
key.”“Galen’s energy-focused research has captured the attention of both
Krennic and his foes, making the scientist a crucial pawn in the
galactic conflict. But after Krennic rescues Galen, his wife, Lyra, and
their young daughter, Jyn, from Separatist kidnappers, the Erso family
is deeply in Krennic’s debt. Krennic then offers Galen an extraordinary
opportunity: to continue his scientific studies with every resource put
utterly at his disposal. While Galen and Lyra believe that his energy
research will be used purely in altruistic ways, Krennic has other plans
that will finally make the Death Star a reality. Trapped in their
benefactor’s tightening grasp, the Ersos must untangle Krennic’s web of
deception to save themselves and the galaxy itself.

未经允许不得转载:陈丹的博客 » 《星战:侠盗一号》背景披露:死星原为义军首领父亲所建

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