Podesta发送的电邮列出了一份39人的候选人名单,其中包括苹果公司CEO Tim
Cook,比尔盖茨夫妇,以及前纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)。希拉里阵营原本计划在6月和Tim
Cook举行会议,但一位团队成员表示,与Tim Cook的会议应当“谨慎行事”。
Tim Cook在今年8月曾为希拉里主办了一次筹款活动。尽管在同性恋权利和气候变化等问题上采纳公众立场,与民主党的立场更为接近,但并不确定其为共和党还是民主党人士。
From: john.podesta@gmail.com
To: hdr29@hrcoffice.com
Date: 2016-03-17 17:21
Ok, I can breathe again! Congrats on a fabulous night. I am feeling like it's possible to get back to the longer term again. Cheryl and I met with Jim Hamilton on Friday to discuss lawyers who can help do the research and vetting that I outlined in the VP vet memo we discussed. We also met with Marc Elias to get his input on firms that have already provided substantial volunteer lawyer assistance and to get prepared to execute non-disclosure agreements with anyone we involve in the process.
We put together the attached notional teams of “report writers” (confidential profiles/public record vet) and “vettors” (deep-dive/oppo-book), and want to run it by you before we execute on the list. Let me know if there are people you would like to see added or removed before we begin the process.
Cheryl, Robby, Jake, Huma, Jennifer and I also did a first cut of people to consider for VP. I have organized names in rough food groups.
Javier Becerra
Julian Castro
Eric Garcetti
Tom Perez
Ken Salazar
Tammy Baldwin
Kirsten Gillibrand
Amy Klobuchar
Claire McKaskill
Jeanne Shaheen
Debbie Stabenow
Elizabeth Warren
Michael Bennet
Sherrod Brown
Martin Heinreich
Tim Kaine
Terry McAuliffe
Chris Murphy
Tom Vilsack
Steve Benjamin
Corey Booker
Andrew Gillum
Eric Holder
Deval Patrick
Kasim Reed
Anthony Foxx
John Allen
Bill McCraven
Mike Mullen
Mary Barra
Michael Bloomberg
Ursula Burns
Tim Cook
Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
Muhtar Kent
Judith Rodin
Howard Schultz
Bernie Sanders
未经允许不得转载:陈丹的博客 » 希拉里副总统候选人都有谁?Cook、盖茨均上榜